Fuscus - adoptat in Suedia
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Fuscus a ajuns la familia lui adoptiva din Suedia, care ne-a trimis un mesaj:
Acesta este catelul care face tot ce poate ca sa se integreze. La cina sta cu noi la masa, cand dormim, se intinde pe perna sau pe patura, cand ne uitam la televizor el sta pe canapea, odihnindu-si o labuta pe mana noastra. Pisicile noastre, care locuiesc aici de mai mult timp decat Fuscus, l-au invatat sa se bucure de cele mai bune locuri la masa si sa nu manance doar mancare de catei, ci si somon la gratar, burgeri sau crochete de peste. Macroul in sos de rosii este favoritul lui! Fuscus se adapteaza foarte bine si noi suntem foarte multumiti de el. Am crezut ca vom adopta un catel din Romania, dar am descoperit ca Funcus este o combinatie dintre o pisica si un om, care doarme pe masa din bucatarie (chiar daca cantareste 40 kg.), mananca doar ce mananca pisicile, se freaca de picioarele noastre cand doreste ceva, refuza sa mearga cu masina daca nu ii este permis sa stea pe locul din fata, cu centura pusa. In curand, va vorbi sau mieuna! Trebuie sa spunem ca, totusi, nu avem nicio problema cu ,,viciile" lui. Din contra, radem cu lacrimi de comportamentul lui. Se pare ca face totul sa se integreze, si ii iese!
Iubirea noastra pentru el nu are limite, mai ales cand isi pune boticul pe obrazul nostru. Este un catel minunat! :)
Fuscus is now in his forever home and his family sent us a message:
Here is the dog that does everything he can to fit in! At dinner he sits with us at the table, when we sleep, he lies on the pillow or blanket, when we are watching television he sits on the couch, with one front leg resting on our arm. Our cats, that have lived here before Fuscus, have taught him to enjoy the best sits at the table and to not just eat dog food, but also grilled salmon, burgers, or o'fish sticks. Mackerel in tomato sauce is his favourite! Fuscus is incredibly adaptable and we are very pleased. We thought we adopted a dog from Romania, but we discovered he is a mix between cat and a man, that naps on the kitchen table (even though he weighs 40 kg), eats only what the cats eat, rubs against our feet when he wants something, he refuses to go by car if he did not get to sit with the seat belt in the front seat, even though he has a big luggage space to be in. Soon, he will talk or meow! We have to say that we do not have any problems with his vices. On the contrary, we laugh ourselves to tears at his behavior. It feels like he's trying to do everything to fit in, and he does!
Our love for him is limitless, especially when he puts his little nose against our cheek. He's a gorgeous dog! :)